There is no waste in nature. We are on a quest to preserve the beauty of the natural world around us. From our waterless formulas to our eco-conscious packaging, we remain intentional and sustainable from start to finish.


Every process here takes time and patience. We like to keep our eyes on the process from start to finish to ensure our meticulous standards are being met, before reaching your skin. We have a fantastic network of growers and suppliers who believe in loving the land. Our blue tansy is handpicked and harvested from the rugged, steeped, ancient hills in Morocco, yielding a chamazulene content far above the industry standard. Our printer is the oldest print shop in Los Angeles, using original equipment passed down through generations, processing smaller batches and using less energy.


When we first starting playing around with the formulas for our waterless skin care line, we actually tested a 60-80% water content which is standard for most skincare products. The texture was light and fluffy, even smelled nice, but just sat on the skin and did absolutely nothing. There was no magic. The amount of water potentially going into these products seemed atrocious on top of the copious amount of water needed to wash equipment, machinery and our glass packaging, when we looked outside and saw our garden dying and still desolate brown patches everywhere. We tried to save where we could, irrigating the water from our washing process to our garden outside, but it still seemed like a colossal waste of this finite resource.

So we made a decision to build our brand around this waterless, "drought-inspired" concept and found we could give you guys more value, undiluted, pure botanical magic whilst also giving the environment a teeny break from one of the biggest water-consuming industries.


Every detail from the packaging, formulation and transportation is built on our commitment to the Earth. This ethical sustainability core is ingrained into our process, and doesn't stop even when it reaches your hands. The intention for each step is always two-fold; without water in the formulation the inherent potency in each of our precuts is compounded lasting you much longer than a normal formulation. Every ingredient is complementary, a harmonious medley of nutrient-dense botanicals, minerals and clays. Although each ingredient is a powerhouse and can stand alone, they were carefully selected for their two-fold actions, some doubling as an absorption enhancer for other ingredients, and some doubling as a natural fragrance targeting the release of stress and tension, because self-care should feel indulgent and intimate.

We use glass packaging because it can be infinitely recycled, although we encourage up cycling. Our beautiful blue boxes are printed with eco-friendly ink and our cardboard shipper boxes are also 100% recyclable. We use the bare amount of plastic needed - for our glass jar lids, but are working hard to phase out plastic completely. We work with a small woman-owned business in Vietnam to source our exquisite, hand-engraved, mother of pearl skin care spoons. The delicately curved bowl of the spoon was selected because of its optimal shape in scooping out every last bit of cream so you don't waste a single ounce of precious, potent product.